
Moving beyond blaming

2024-12-18T11:45:02+02:00March 8 2023|Self-awareness|

Seeking to expand beyond blaming… Learning how we (co)create the circumstances where other peoples’ behaviour is hurtful to us. And they do so only by being themselves, it’s not even personal most of the time. Quite a demanding and utterly tricky process… it requires the uncomfortable truths to be faced, you know, the difficult-to-digest [...]

Bringing light into our soft spots

2024-12-18T11:56:34+02:00December 23 2020|Self-awareness|

The vagus nerve and its connection to unresolved trauma within our bodies Was reading the following article the other day and felt into my own beautiful journey… another chance to see myself naked. Another chance to write down a few of my thoughts. I hope they inspire and support You on your healing journey. Please remember: [...]

The Essence of Love and Attachment

2024-12-30T14:57:03+02:00January 16 2020|Self-awareness|

In today's world, the concepts of "Love" and "Attachment" are increasingly significant. A solid inner core is essential for self-awareness and personal growth, providing us with the energy to find happiness within ourselves. Understanding Attachment Relationships often revolve around action-reaction dynamics, but my focus is on the internal mechanisms of attachment. Why do we cling to [...]

Welcoming acceptance in our life!

2024-12-30T15:10:18+02:00January 12 2020|Self-awareness|

I have never been a fatalist. I have always felt healthier when I was a fighter.  As years passed by though, I realized that if warfare nourishes me, then, I will attract warlike situations. Pursuing whatever makes us happy in this life, is a blessing, but knowing when to pause and conserve our energy is a [...]

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