Embodied women, heart wild open

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Η αγαπημένη μου Dona Tumacder- Esteban στις Φιλιππίνες με προσκάλεσε να μοιραστώ τις γνώσεις και την εμπειρία μου σε ένα διήμερο σεμινάριο που διοργανώνει. Και με πολύ χαρά αποδεχτηκα την πρόσκληση! Επιπλέον, θα αφιερώσω χρόνο για προσωπικές θεραπείες (κατόπιν ραντεβού) για όσο χρόνο βρίσκομαι εκεί και πριν το ταξίδι μου στο Μπαλί για το Bali Spirit Festival.

Με χαρά να ανταμώσουμε με όποιον βρίσκεται εκεί.


It’s that time of the year again. March is women’s month and what better way to celebrate than to take a deep dive into your Self!

I’m offering EMBODIED WOMAN, HEART WILD OPEN, a Women’s Well-being Immersion on March 2 and 3. In this immersion, we will embrace the nature of our womb, explore the heart-womb connection, make our emotions our allies, and claim our pleasure. We have an amazing support system through life’s transitions, her ebbs and flows. This support is already INSIDE each of us! We just have to recover and discover the Wisdom of our Wombs to fully tap into this resource. Coming into circle with fellow women invested enough in advocating their own self-care can provide strength, safety, and extra support as we become more of who we truly are, fully, fiercely, unapologetically.

For this upcoming immersion, I will be joined by a team of women who will share with us their discoveries as they dove deep into their wombs and the embodiment practices that have helped them stay connected to their center. Roula, who is from Greece, is sharing about the sacral chakra and teaching us a self massage for the abdomen. Ivy, one of the few certified yoga therapists, is sharing practices on resilience and the connection of our nervous system and our heart space. Kim, a visual artist and sought after tango maestra, will also be present to share how her exploration of the deep feminine and her womb wisdom brings attention to her internal balance.

If you have already attended the immersion before, take this opportunity to deepen your experience and to gain more knowledge. I will give extra focus on ovulation and our white flow on top of our menstruation and our red flow. I will also share how we can manage our feelings and create opportunities out of survival based emotions. There will also be sense explorations so that we can be more in touch with what truly gives us pleasure!

I really hope this resonates with you and that you make time and give energy back to your Self. Here is a link to the FB event page.https://www.facebook.com/events/1966058563688007/

We have an EARLY BIRD RATE up to FEB 16 which I truly hope you will take advantage of.

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